
Anabolic Steroids Blamed for Road Rage Attack in England

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The “roid rage” defense strategy has emerged again in Hampshire (England) as a man accused of punching another  man in the face during a “road rage” incident appeared before a judge for sentencing. Michael Barton was sentenced to a 6-month suspended jail sentence and £500 compensation to the victim along with £277 for the damage to the victim’s vehicle.

The 21-year old Barton had decided to overtake Paul Gard when he only had a small opportunity to pass Gard in his Volkswagen Golf. Barton was forced to quickly pull in front of Gard to avoid oncoming traffic. Gard flashed his headlights to indicate his disapproval of Barton’s driving. This act enraged Barton.

Barton’s response was to stop his car and block Gard and his wife in their Ford Fiesta. Barton approached the Gard’s vehicle knocked off the sideview mirror and assaulted Gard by hitting him in the face. Gard’s terrified wife dialed 999 on her mobile phone to report the incident.

In defense of Barton, his attorney Michael Williams told the judge that his client had been using anabolic steroids to bulk up and become more muscular. It was the steroids that affected his temper and influenced his behavior. Williams blamed “roid rage” for the incident of “road rage”.

“Certainly Mr Barton suffered from a short temper,” Williams said. “Steroids affect people’s temperament, they increase testosterone. His reaction was totally over the top.”

Portsmouth Crown Court Deputy Circuit Judge Patrick Hooton did not appear to buy the steroid excuse for Barton’s behavior. After all, Barton has previously been convicted for domestic violence and common assault charges.

“I don’t know whether the steroids were having an effect on you or what but you must have been absolutely mad,” said Judge Hooton. “It’s incredibly offensive to hit another motorist just because you think they have slighted you.”

Defense attorney’s attempts to blame steroids for his client’s behavior did not elicit sympathy from the judge. However, the fact that Barton was gainfully employed and had a two-year old son may have influenced the judge’s decision to give the defendant a suspended sentence.

 Roid Rage


Bethell, G. (March 23, 2012). Road rage attack blamed on steroid bodybuilding drug. Retrieved from