
Criminals Using Steroids to “Look Big and Tough”

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The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper reports that the boom in illegal anabolic steroids use in Australia has its roots in outlaw motorcycle gangs. The gangs have become increasingly involved in the high-profit and relatively low-risk crime of illegal distribution of anabolic steroids and performance- and image-enhancing drugs (PIEDs) according to the newspaper.

Detective Superintendent Nick Bingham, the drugs squad commander for New South Wales (NSW), told the Sydney Morning Herald that the NSW Police does not target steroid users. But anabolic steroids inevitably turn up when they arrest gang members for other violations.

”We generally don’t target steroid offences,” said Bingham. “They seem to be a byproduct of other targeting issues – for example, if we do a raid on a member for whatever purpose, whether for firearms or amphetamines, quite often we find steroids as well.”

Bingham admitted that most of the steroid seizures involving motorcycle gang members involved quantities indicative of personal use only. The amount of other illicit drugs found in the possession of gang members was significantly greater than steroids.

Bingham speculated that criminals are drawn to anabolic steroids because the muscle-enhancing effects create a more intimidating physique.

“[P]eople in the criminal area that want to make themselves look big and tough,” said Bingham.

While Bingham suggests that biker gangs’ involvement with steroids is primarily motivated by personal use, the Herald seems intent on suggesting that the gangs have a greater role in the importation and distribution of steroids.

While gyms are one of the primary sources of steroids for the bodybuilding subculture, the Herald asserts that some of these gyms have links to motorcycle gangs.

The Herald also implies that the increased number of seizures by the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service is related to the greater involvement of motorcycle gangs in steroid distribution.

Australian Customs has reported that mail seizures of steroids have doubled for two consecutive years.  In 2008-2009, 1,054 seizures were recorded. In 2009-2010, 2,695 seizures were recorded. And in 2010-2011, 5,559 seizures of steroids and PIEDs were announced.

The number of seizures related to motorcycle gangs was not itemized. But the majority of the seizures most likely involved personal use quantities imported by individual bodybuilders.

Motorcyle gangs

Photo credit: Rock Star Games


Davis, L. & Duff, E. (May 28, 2012). Steroid seizures linked to bikie gangs on the rise. Retrieved from