
NFL Football Player Shawne Merriman Denies Smuggling Anabolic Steroids

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Patrick Moran, of the Buffalo Sports Daily, reported that Buffalo Bills linebacker Shawne Merriman was caught smuggling anabolic steroids across the United States – Canadian border. Moran, citing a “reliable source close to the situation”, claims that Merriman was detained by United States Customs and Border Patrol in the early morning hours of July 28, 2011 during which anabolic steroids were found on his possession. Moran further claimed that Merriman was not arrested because steroid possession was “not technically illegal”.

“I wouldn’t post if not fully confident in the accuracy of this report,”  Moran wrote. Moran continued to defend the report on Twitter. “If I’m intentionally fabricating a story for attention, may my 8-year old get hit by a car,” Moran told his Twitter followers.

If I'm intentionally fabricating a story for attention, may my 8-year old get hit by a car.. Those who know me know better than that.
August 18, 2011 9:26 pm via webReplyRetweetFavorite
Patrick Moran

Shawne Merriman acknowledged being searched at the border but refuted the allegation that customs officials discovered anabolic steroids on his possession or confiscated anything found on his possession.

Assistant United States Attorney James P. Kennedy was not aware of any incident involving Shawn Merriman. “We have not been presented with any matter for prosecution involving Shawne Merriman or anyone else on the Buffalo Bills,” said Kennedy.

Merriman, while playing for the San Diego Chargers, was suspended for four-games in 2006 under the NFL’s steroids and related substances policy after nandrolone metabolites were found in his urine. Nandrolone is the active ingredient in the popular steroid Deca Durabolin but contaminated dietary supplements have also been linked to positive nandrolone tests as well. Merriman and his attorney attributed his failed steroid test to the consumption of a tainted supplement.

 Shawne Merriman

Photo credit: Dirk Hansen / Wikimedia


Moran, P. (August 18, 2011). Source: Merriman Recently Caught With Steroids. Retrieved from wire reports. (August 19, 2011). Merriman refutes report of steroids bust at U.S.-Canada border. Retrieved from