
Operation Narcissist Targets Vanity-Induced Steroid Use

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The Australia Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA) has joined local police to target bodybuilders who use anabolic steroids to enhance appearance. Operation Narcissist was a six-month investigation involving the Northern Region Drug Squad and Townsville’s Criminal Investigation Branch working in collaboration with ASADA.

Detective Acting Senior-Sergeant John Mahony discussed how the high-level “intelligence” made it possible for law enforcement to infiltrate gyms and determine that bodybuilders use anabolic steroids.

Police arrested “a surprising number” of users and distributors – mainly across two distinct groups aimed at “artificially enhancing their appearance”.

“We received intelligence into the widespread use of steroids amongst bodybuilders in Townsville which led to several being charged,” Sen-Sgt Mahony said. […]

However detectives said more charges were laid with the second group arrested – young men who do not participate professionally in the sport and aim to gain muscle purely for aesthetic reasons.

“We were shocked over how many aged 18 to 25 were taken into custody,” Sen-Sgt Mahony said.

“It was actually far more than those in bodybuilding which came as a big surprise to everyone.”

In other words, someone called CrimeStoppers to report the bodybuilders at the local gym were on steroids.

The “surprising” conclusion was that most bodybuilders who use steroids don’t compete. The “two distinct groups” are apparently competitive bodybuilders and non-competitive bodybuilders.

Senior-Sergeant Mahony forgot to mention a possible third distinct group – “natural bodybuilders“.

So, competitive bodybuilders, natural competitive bodybuilders, and non-competitive bodybuilders use anabolic steroids. That just about covers the full range of steroid users.

Australia kangaroo crossing

Photo credit: bradjward / flickr

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