The dreams of a Greco-Roman wrestler who had hoped to represent Canada in the 2012 London Olympics have ended after he was caught using anabolic steroids, diuretics and a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERMs). Colin Daynes had won the 74 kilogram division at the Canadian Wrestling Qualification Trials held at the University of Winnipeg on December 18, 2012.
The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sports announced that Daynes tested positive for boldenone, drostanolone, furosemide and tamoxifen during an in-competition doping control at the trials. The four substances are all banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).
Boldenone and drostanolone are anabolic steroids most commonly referred to by their historic trade names of Equipoise and Masteron, respectively. Tamoxifen, also known as Nolvadex, is frequently used in conjunction with steroids to block estrogen receptors and minimize water retention. Furosemide (Lasix) is a diuretic. The use of diuretics in wrestling helps athletes lose weight in order to make certain weight class cutoffs.
Daynes admitted to intentionally using the banned anabolic steroids and other drugs. He told the Windsor Star website that he had used the steroids to help him recover from a partially-torn bicep and an elbow injury. However, he also claimed he didn’t know the drugs were banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency.
Daynes blamed his doctor.
‘That was the advice of the naturopathic doctor I was seeing,” said Daynes. “I didn’t understand it was banned. If I had, I wouldn’t have competed.”
Daynes represented Canada at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. He almost made a comeback for the Beijing Olympics after he won the national trials in 2008. However, he failed to qualify internationally and did not go. After winning the Canadian Wrestling Qualifying Trials in December, he was scheduled to compete Pan American Wrestling Championships to secure his ticket to London.
The steroids ban prohibits Daynes from competing again until December 18, 2013 and effectively ends the competitive career of the star athlete.
In the time between Olympic games, Daynes has also competed with some success in mixed martial arts (MMA).
“I represented my country proudly,” said Daynes. “It’s one blemish and I won’t worry about it. People can judge me how they like, but if that’s what they look at after a 25-year career and everything I’ve done, I worry about them.”

Photograph credit: Troy Landrville, Langley Advance
Parker, J. (February 13, 2012). Doping ends wrestler’s Olympic bid. Retrieved from